• Address
  • Chicago-USA

The Accreditation And Quality Doctor

Exam Fee: $450.00. Click here to pay.

Terms and Conditions:

  1. The exam(s) will be conducted using a remote proctor via Testofy examination center.https://www.testofy.com
  2. You only can pick up 1 out of the 3 windows above to take your exam, and you can take your exam on any day and time during that window. For example, if you picked window # 1 "May 11-15, Time: 7:30 am-7:30 pm", you could take the exam on any day between May 11-15, and on any time between 7:30 am and 7:30 pm. However, once you log in to take the exam on any day and time; i.e., May 15 at 7:30 am, the system will give you 2.5 hours to finish the exam.
  3. Though, we do not encourage that, but If you want to pay using other method such as wire transfer, please contact us at AAQDoctor@gmail.com
  4. Courses are offered on the same dates and times every year. Nonetheless, they might change to reasons beyond our control. However, if changed, it will be announced early enough to those who registered for a course.
  5. All exams fees are non-refundable.
  6. Candidates need to have access to a computer with web camera that is compatible with the exam center.
  7. If you submit the wrong payments, your application will not be processed.
  8. Upon receiving your registration form, we will send an email acknowledging receipt of your application and payment.

Questions? If you have an issue or a question, please contact us by email (AAQDoctor@gmail.com)

  I, the undersigned, authorize The Accreditation and Quality Doctor (TAAQD) to use the personal data received through this application / registration form for purposes relating to its activities. Further, I verify that this application is complete to the best of my knowledge and the information provided is accurate and true. I understand that failure to provide the needed information and payment could likely delay the processing of the application. I further understand that if any information supplied on this application is found to be false or fraudulent, I will be denied consideration for certification or cancel my certification.