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To Enter CE Hours For The Recertification Application

  1. Log in to our website with your username and password information by clicking on this link: https://www.taaqd.org/login
  2. To enter CE hours for the CCLSP certificate, clink on the link:  https://www.taaqd.org/recertification-certified-clinical-laboratory-quality-professional-cclsp
  3. To enter CE hours for the CCLQP certificate, clink on the link: https://www.taaqd.org/recertification-certified-clinical-laboratory-quality-professional-cclqp
  4. Follow instructions on the form and fill out the required information and CE hours on the form. If something is not applicable, write “NA”.
  5. Make sure you submit 30 CE hours during your recertification cycle before you pay and submit your application.
  6. For the CE hours submitted, include the course or program activity title, date(s) attended, number of CE awarded, and the name of the CE provide.
  7. Using you PayPal Account, pay the recertification fee as per the below schedule (or see Recertification Fees below):
    1. Recertification Fee For the Certified Clinical Laboratory Quality Professional (CCLQP):
      1. Early Bird (before September 02): $125.00. Click Here To Pay.
      2. October 1 to December 31: $200.00. Click Here To Pay.
      3. Grace Period (January 1 to 31): $240.00. Click Here To Pay. However, CE cannot be earned during this timeframe for this recertification period.
      4. After January 31, you must retake the exam and pay the full fee in order to keep using your certification designation.
    2. Recertification Fees For the Certified Clinical Laboratory Quality Professional (CCLSP):
      1. Early Bird (before September 02): $80.00. Click Here To Pay.
      2. October 1 to December 31: $135.00. Click Here To Pay.
      3. Grace Period (January 1 to 31): $200.00. Click Here To Pay. However, CE cannot be earned during this timeframe for this recertification period.
      4. After January 31, you must retake the exam and pay the full fee in order to keep using your certification designation.
  8. After you pay the required fee, click on submit application.
  9. TAAQD Staff will review your application, and if everything is fine, using the email you submitted on your application or the email we have on file for you, TAAQD staff will email you your renewed certificate which will be valid for 2 more years.
  10. If you do not receive your renewed certificate or you do not hear from us within 2 weeks, please contact us.
  11. You may enter your CE hours throughout your recertification cycle as you earn them by following the instructions above. However, do not submit your application till you complete the 30 CE required hours, and pay your fees.
  12. You do not need to submit any proof of CE education with your application. However, if you get audited, TAAQD will ask you to send proof of the CE courses and programs activities you attended and submitted on your recertification application.
  13. Additional CE hours (i.e., more than the 30 CE required hours) cannot and will not be carried over to the next recertification cycle.
  14. Recertifying Before Your Due or End Date (December 31):
    1. Your recertification application may be submitted anytime in your second year of your certification cycle.
    2. Once your CE hours have been submitted, reviewed and approved, your new certification cycle will start on January 1 (i.e., you will not get a new cycle start and end date).
    3. All CE hours must be earned during your two-year cycle. If you recertify early in your second year and any of your CE hours are not approved, you will have until the end of your two-year cycle (December 31) to submit your missing CE hours. Once your recertification application has been approved, any CE hours earned after you have recertified before your new cycle starts will not be carried to your new certification cycle.